In a groundbreaking endeavor, skilled hardware modder and woodworking enthusiast Redherring32 has unveiled the very first handheld Xbox console. This isn’t just any portable gaming device; it’s crafted directly from the modified innards of an authentic original Xbox motherboard. This unique system is paired with a 9-inch 480p display and boasts modern capabilities like Wi-Fi 6 for Xbox Live and a 100W PD USB-C for quick charging.
This ambitious project has certainly turned heads within the Xbox community. It’s the first of its kind—a full-fledged handheld conversion that stands apart from typical mods seen in PlayStation and Nintendo consoles, which often focus on being more compact or portable.
With ongoing speculation and rumors about Microsoft releasing a handheld Xbox, it’s fascinating to see an enthusiast beating Microsoft to the chase. However, if Microsoft ever releases such a product, it’s expected to cater to modern gaming, unlike this device, which harks back to the era of 480p graphics. It’s worth mentioning that enthusiasts have previously pushed the original Xbox to run Halo 2 at a higher 720p resolution.
Redherring32’s dedication to this project is nothing short of impressive. Highlights from the original Twitter thread reveal meticulous efforts, like trimming down the Xbox motherboard and creating twelve custom PCBs specifically for this build. The modder has even shared a guide, promising to make the project open source soon. A GitHub page is in the works where Redherring32 plans to upload the “full source for all of the PCBs” once final touches are complete. Fans can also look forward to a video and gameplay demo, which are expected to be released soon.
While this represents the first extensive modification of an Xbox console into a handheld device, it’s not the only instance of such innovation. Redherring32 is known for previous projects like “TinyTendo” and “PicoPad”—open-source creations of a handheld NES and the tiniest NES controller in the world, respectively.
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