Platform 8, the anticipated sequel to the intriguing short walking sim "The Exit 8" by KOTAKE CREATE and PLAYISM, is set to launch tomorrow on both Nintendo Switch and PlayStation. This is one release you won’t want to miss!
Imagine being stuck on a seemingly endless train ride, where your primary task is to be vigilant for any unusual occurrences and to figure out an escape route. Platform 8 draws inspiration from the mysterious ambiance of Japanese subways and the eerie yet fascinating concept of liminal spaces.
Having had a great time reviewing its predecessor, The Exit 8, on the Nintendo Switch, I am genuinely excited to dive into whatever new experiences Platform 8 has to offer. Will you be joining me on this intriguing journey?
I’m eager to explore every aspect of this new game. The promise of mysterious anomalies and the prospect of a surreal adventure make Platform 8 a title that promises to be both thrilling and thought-provoking.