Sanzaru Games, the creators behind the renowned Asgard’s Wrath series, recently announced the release of the final content update for the Quest-exclusive game, Asgard’s Wrath 2, which launched in 2023. Now, the studio is shifting its focus to embark on what they describe as their “next big thing.”
This news was initially reported by MIXED, highlighting that Sanzaru has concluded its major updates for the action-adventure sequel to the original Asgard’s Wrath, which first captivated players on the Rift back in 2019.
The game’s twelfth and final ‘Cosmic Event,’ titled ‘The Long Winter,’ began last week, rolling out monthly challenges that are time-limited. These challenges offer players the opportunity to earn points and gain access to unique cosmetic rewards.
Debuting in late 2023 for Quest 2 and more advanced models, Asgard’s Wrath 2 boasts an impressive 60-plus hours of campaign gameplay. This duration notably excludes the time players could invest in the monthly Cosmic Events.
In a message shared on the Sanzaru Discord, the Community Manager explained, “This will be our last major title update for Asgard’s Wrath 2. Going forward, you’ll see fewer updates. We’ll be concentrating only on major issues and bug fixes. There are no plans to develop additional content for Asgard’s Wrath 2 in the future. We wanted to be upfront with our community because we know this is something you’ve been asking about.”
The studio also mentioned that they’re now directing their efforts towards some “AWESOME” new projects. While they remain tight-lipped about the specifics, they assured fans that when the time is right, they’ll eagerly share details about this exciting new venture.
Speculation is rife about what Sanzaru might have in store next. Following their acquisition by Meta in 2020, the studio has been dedicated to crafting exclusive titles for Meta’s range of XR headsets. With two substantial and finely-crafted RPGs already under their belt, it’s safe to assume that their expertise in this genre could influence their future projects.