Without a doubt, Strange World stands as one of Disney’s most overlooked gems. This thrilling adventure flick expertly weaves the familiar Disney trope of generational conflict into its narrative by focusing on the Clade family, spanning three generations. Each family member harbors their own vision of what their clan represents. As the story unfolds, the grandfather, father, and son grapple with their individual beliefs, all set against a backdrop of some of the most breathtaking animation Disney has ever crafted.
Drawing inspiration from classic adventure tales such as Indiana Jones, Strange World infuses the genre with poignant environmental themes, all set within a mesmerizing alien landscape. This otherworldly realm bursts with vibrant, unique vistas, a cast of engaging characters—both human and not—and creatures that truly live up to the film’s title. Yet, despite the wild setting, the film’s themes remain deeply relatable, centering on the Clade family’s struggle to understand one another. It’s their journey into dangerous and uncharted territories that forces them to confront the truths they’ve long ignored.
Unfortunately, Disney’s poor marketing decisions left this film largely unnoticed, turning it into one of the most significant box office flops in recent memory. But here’s a silver lining: if you have access to Disney+, you can stream this masterpiece. It’s genuinely remarkable—and boy, did it deserve way more attention.