Fortnite enthusiasts have been buzzing lately, calling on Epic Games to introduce a cooldown feature for the charged attacks of the Kneecapper weapon. Right now, this particular weapon has caught players’ attention due to its ability to unleash consecutive charged strikes swiftly. With the arrival of Chapter 6, Season 2, which centers around heists, not everyone is thrilled about the updates in this battle royale. Some fans feel the loot in the vaults doesn’t quite measure up to expectations, sparking a conversation on what’s next for Fortnite.
Among the returning controversial weapons are Midas’ Drum Gun and Brutus’ Minigun. To get their hands on these, players need to locate the backrooms of a Black Market. This isn’t a simple feat, as it involves using an Outlaw Keycard, which players can upgrade through quests tied to the item. These missions require breaking into vaults, collecting medallions, spending gold, and more. Each quest might be repetitive, but thoroughly completing them will grant players access to any Black Market backrooms.
On a Reddit thread, user Willie_Willikers voiced his frustrations about the Kneecapper, urging Epic Games to implement a cooldown feature for its charged hits. Many players echoed this sentiment, sharing how opponents have exploited this mechanic in tight spaces to gain an upper hand. The general feeling is that this strategy lacks a good counter, rendering it quite overpowering.
There’s also been a flurry of suggestions on how to refine this weapon. Some ideas include reducing the movement speed for those carrying a charged Kneecapper strike. As it stands, players can charge up and zoom toward their targets without any hindrance. A vivid account describes how a player was hit by the Kneecapper, launched into the air, only to be immediately struck again midair without a chance to react.
Rumors have surfaced that more exotic weapons are set to debut soon in the Fortnite universe and may appear in the game’s Black Market. The much-anticipated Rift Launcher was teased in a Chapter 6 Season 2 trailer. This potential game-changer could allow players to create rifts, enhancing mobility or strategically displacing foes. With these fresh updates and an expanding arsenal, there’s a palpable excitement about the future developments in Fortnite.