There have been countless attempts to merge elements from one Fallout game into another, but now, someone’s taking a different approach that actually makes a lot of sense—they’re reimagining the iconic Fallout: New Vegas in the world of The Sims 2. Introducing “The Sims 2: New Vegas,” a fan-created remaster that shines as yet another testament to the creativity that emerges when Fallout enthusiasts have a little extra time on their hands.
This ongoing project, tracked on its dedicated subreddit and highlighted by TheGamer, is spearheaded by someone known as Baron Pulitzer—aka FalloutPropMaster—who, by day, runs an independent film production company. For about a week now, they’ve been chronicling their journey to bring this ambitious idea to life.
In their introductory post, FalloutPropMaster shared, “I’ve grown impatient waiting for a remastered version of Fallout: New Vegas. My vision is to create a remaster that lets us also explore some of the cut content from the in-house Beta of New Vegas.”
The inspiration hit when they stumbled upon some uploads by a user named ‘lilipad’ on ModTheSims, which featured a few casinos from the New Vegas Strip recreated for The Sims 2. Encouraged by this, they decided to embark on the challenge of reimagining New Vegas within The Sims 2 framework. Although they’ve dabbled in modding Fallout 3 and New Vegas before, modding for The Sims is uncharted territory for them, making this a perfect chance to learn something new.
Over the last week, FalloutPropMaster has dusted off some of the old tools and programs they haven’t touched in over ten years, like Milkshape, FOMM, Blender, and Nifscope. It’s been a nostalgic dive into the past, while also being a fresh, fun way to spend some downtime.
So far, they’ve shared glimpses of their progress, including mapping out the Mojave Wasteland neighborhood. This will naturally feature notable spots like The Strip and Freeside, and they’ve also recreated Goodsprings’ beloved Prospector Saloon—an obvious starting point for such a project.
Character development is also underway. A few images display fan-favorite Legionnaire Vulpes Inculta hanging out with a couple of ghouls and engaging in a casual game of kickball. There’s also a household of companions who appear to be bonding over tales about a certain postman who occasionally uses them as bullet shields, only to dash away and down a massive amount of stimpaks at once.
Additionally, there’s a new shot showcasing a revamped user interface in TS2 that’s richly infused with classic Fallout aesthetics, adding to the cool factor.
Keep an eye on this project, especially if you’re diving back into The Sims 2 via the Legacy Collection remaster. If you find yourself yearning for another adventure through the Mojave Desert—as a character with ambitions to devour Mr. House, perhaps become an accidental outcast while munching on Caesar salad, and ultimately opt for an independent Vegas to steer clear of suspicious NCR glances—this might just be the perfect blend for you.