About a year ago, I embarked on creating episodes of “3rd Party 64” featuring various Army Men games released on the Nintendo 64. At that time, The Video Game History Foundation (VGHF) stirred up nostalgia by posting a Christmas-themed commercial for Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes, a game I was keenly covering.
This sparked an interesting conversation with Frank Cifaldi, the director at VGHF. He told me about an intriguing collection they’d received from Michael Mendheim, who was the creative mind behind the Sarge’s Heroes series. By the time our chat ended, I found myself with a treasure trove of documents detailing the development of the Army Men series waiting in my inbox. My project suddenly grew in scope. Later, in the summer of 2024, Frank invited me to join an episode of The Video Game History Hour. I got the chance to sit down with Mendheim and dive even deeper into the games, gaining invaluable insights.
This episode of “3rd Party 64” features snippets from that enlightening interview, along with findings from the documents VGHF provided. The depth of coverage on these games owes a lot to the crucial work VGHF is doing.
But that’s not all!
The more I delved into Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes, the more I realized there was an abundance of information—way too much to fit into a single video. So, we branched off into a second video, spotlighting what I consider the nine most intriguing, previously hidden facts uncovered by this research. You can catch this video on The Video Game History Foundation’s YouTube channel.
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