This week on the Pure Nintendo Podcast, get ready to dive into Mario madness as we celebrate MAR10 day! Jemma and Trev are here to share their passion for everything Mario, reminiscing about their favorite titles and speculating on what’s next for our mustachioed hero, particularly through the lens of 3D adventures.
Last time, we chatted about the latest Pokémon Presents and the new Xenoblade Chronicles X trailer. Now, we’re shifting our focus to the timeless appeal of Mario. We cover a gamut of Mario titles ranging from the classic Super Mario 64 all the way to the innovative Super Mario Odyssey, exploring every notable stop along the way.
This week is also exciting for Nintendo Switch Online members, with two classic Mario-themed games making their debut: Donkey Kong and Mario’s Picross for the Game Boy. Both are a blast from the past and are available right now, so give them a try if you’re subscribed to Switch Online.
On top of all that Mario goodness, we’ve got some fresh updates on Nintendo Music, news about new amiibos, the latest on the Video Game Hall of Fame, and an intriguing update from Way Forward regarding Sigma Star Saga for the Game Boy Advance.
We’ve been diving into an array of intriguing games lately. From the adrenaline-pumped first-person shooter Turbo Overkill, the remastered versions of Suikoden I & II, to the captivating point-and-click adventure Urban Myth Dissolution Center, there’s plenty to keep us busy.
With over 100 episodes under our belt, we’re thrilled to keep bringing you the best of Nintendo content in the years to come. We’ve got exciting times ahead, especially with the anticipated arrival of the Switch 2 in 2025. Don’t miss out on your weekly dose of Nintendo fun—join us every Monday!
Until next time, keep gaming, everyone!
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