In Civilization 7, mastering the art of healing your troops after a retreat is key to securing victories, especially since wars are a natural part of the game—even if you’re not pursuing a Military Victory. However, knowing how to effectively replenish your units’ health isn’t so obvious, and your units might remain vulnerable unless you’re aware of the right strategies.
In this guide, we’ll dive into the essentials of healing your units and explore ways to enhance their recovery rate.
To heal your units in Civilization 7, keep in mind that they will naturally regain health if not engaged in any action during their turn. This passive healing means simply leaving them stationary will gradually restore their vitality.
There are two specific commands you can use to ensure your troops heal each turn: “skip turn” and “heal.” Opting for the “skip turn” command is a safer yet more engaging method. It allows you to bypass just one turn at a time, after which you’ll be prompted to take action with the unit again. This approach lets you manage your forces closely, moving them strategically in and out of conflict before they have completely recovered. Plus, it helps ensure you don’t accidentally overlook a unit that’s in the process of healing.
Alternatively, you can choose the “heal” option for a more hands-off approach. This can be found in the expanded arrow menu on the left side of the unit tab. By selecting this, your unit essentially goes into a dormant state until it’s fully healed, automatically skipping them when future turns come around. Once back to full strength, your unit will be as good as new, with no drawbacks from recovering from even the gravest injuries.
Boosting the healing rate of your units can be achieved in several ways. Some enhancements come from your chosen religion or your town’s specific specialization. For instance, the Fort Town specialization grants an additional +5 health points when your units are within its confines.
The most significant healing boost, however, is achieved when your troops are in friendly territory. If you keep your units within your borders and use the “skip turn” or “heal” options, they will heal at double the rate compared to being in neutral or enemy territories.
A great tactical advantage in Civilization 7 comes from the substantial defender bonuses units receive while stationed in cities or towns. If you’re on the offensive against another civilization, aim to target towns closer to your own borders. This allows you to quickly retreat, heal up, and reengage in combat.
Another strategic move is to beef up your army commander with the Field Medic upgrade from the Logistics tree. This grants your soldiers a +5 healing bonus even when in hostile or neutral lands. While it doesn’t entirely match the healing benefits of friendly territory, it’s a close second and invaluable for keeping your army in fighting form while far from home.