The “World of Assassination” hub, which serves as the central platform for all the content from the latest Hitman trilogy, has managed to draw in over 75 million gamers so far. This milestone was announced by IO Interactive, the developer and publisher behind the game, who also shared that in December 2024 alone, one million users were actively playing.
Originally launched in 2021 as Hitman 3, the game was later given a new identity to encompass content from both the Hitman reboot of 2016 and its sequel from the following year. IO Interactive expressed their excitement, stating, “Hitman World of Assassination continues to captivate players, thanks to ongoing content updates and a passionate community.”
Looking ahead, IO Interactive has big plans for the game in 2025. They teased that players have plenty more hours of exciting Hitman adventures to look forward to with even more content on the horizon.
One of the latest standout additions to World of Assassination is a mission where players face off against Jean-Claude Van Damme, the iconic action hero from the 80s and 90s. Interestingly, 40 percent of players attempting to eliminate the movie star have been successful in their mission.