Ayaneo has recently rolled out the Ayaneo Pocket DMG on IndieGogo, presenting their GameBoy-inspired handheld equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon G3X Gen 2 processor. For early adopters, the entry-level model with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage is available starting at just $339 USD. Meanwhile, those who opt for the top-tier version can expect to pay $499 for 16GB RAM and 512GB of storage, and the special “Retro Color” Limited Edition is offered at an Early Bird price of $589.
At these prices, you’re getting quite a powerful device. The Snapdragon chip excels at delivering smooth, high-end mobile gaming experiences, effortlessly running games like Genshin Impact at a solid 60 FPS. Plus, if you’re into emulating older consoles like the GameCube or PlayStation 2, this device can handle it without breaking a sweat, even when set to higher internal resolutions. However, if you’re not looking to supplement an existing PC handheld, Valve’s Steam Deck might be a more affordable option, though it doesn’t boast the same LCD quality.
Beyond just the specs and cost, this handheld is feature-packed considering its size and price bracket. It boasts hidden trigger buttons beneath the primary shoulder buttons, optional motion controls, and a right touchpad. This gives you everything you need for modern gaming, particularly when streaming games from your PC to the device. The analog stick is even a hall-effect type, designed to resist drifting — a common issue in some controllers.
Some might see an OLED screen as excessive on such a small device, but high-quality displays are becoming the norm, with other models like the Analogue Pocket featuring a stunning 1440p LCD. The Ayaneo Pocket DMG offers a 3.92-inch OLED screen with a resolution of 1,240 x 1,080, covering an estimated 104% of the NTSC color gamut and reaching up to 450 nits brightness. This makes it an excellent choice for retro gaming, although it won’t surpass the Steam Deck OLED for AAA gaming experiences.
When it comes to emulation and Android gaming, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG holds its ground as a premium choice, despite its compact size. While the models with 12GB and 16GB RAM might seem overkill for a non-PC handheld, modern mobile games and emulation can be demanding. For value, the entry-level version is compelling, with the possibility to expand storage via SD cards later.
It’s also noteworthy that the handheld supports USB 3.2 Gen 2 through a Type-C port, capable of up to 10 Gigabits throughput, alongside Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.3. Although the wired options aren’t groundbreaking, they’re suitable for smaller game transfers, and the Wi-Fi 7 support is superb for features like Steam Remote Play.
However, it’s crucial to remember that backing a crowdfunding project doesn’t guarantee a final product. Supporting such projects is more like an investment; you’re putting your faith into the creators with hopes of seeing it come to life rather than purchasing a finished item from a store.